💥🧘‍♀️ Feeling Frazzled? Calm awaits...

As is becoming a distressing habit of mine, I was awake for half the night last night. And now, I'm not operating the best in work. But I'm here and keeping things on a (mostly) even keel. Some of the things that are worrying me?

  • I don't know if I'm doing a good job at my part time lecturing role
  • I'm worried about the content for tomorrow's class
  • I haven't finalised the material for the first week of the Brigid for Writers course, starting on Saturday
  • I can see things in work that will go wrong if someone doesn't do something, but I don't have the authority to fix
  • I have a medical procedure next week to determine if I have something silly and small wrong with me or something very serious wrong.
  • I have to organise a lot of replacement personnel in work for people who are moving on from my team - all for excellent reasons...

Yes, these are the things that keep me awake at 2am.

And I can't really guarantee calm awaits. But I can offer some things that help:

  1. Taking deep breaths, slower and longer on the out breath than the in breath
  2. Lying in bed with my knees bent, soles of my feet together
  3. Consciously tensing and relaxing all the muscles in my body in order
  4. Writing down every thought that comes into my head
  5. Counting sheep (it's a cliche for a reason!)

So, look, I know I'm basing my email on the things that are bothering me this week. But I hope some of the options listed above might help people.

And y'know - remember to breathe and no one ever said on their deathbed "I wish I'd spent more time at the office". (and yes, reminding myself as well!)

Bríd libh


P. S. Don't forget to sign up for Brigid for Writers before Saturday!!

Check out the links below:

Brigid's Forge School


Facebook Group


Hi, I'm Orlagh, of Brigid's Forge

I'm dedicated to helping women in particular develop their spiritual path in life. I'm focused heavily on Brigid in Ireland, although not all my followers are! I teach, speak, coach and mentor people to help them along their own individual path, based on what lore we have, but also allowing for each individual path to develop as it needs to.

Read more from Hi, I'm Orlagh, of Brigid's Forge

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