I know today's blog post might appear to be a bit off. Well, ok, the table is definitely a departure from the norm, I get it. But it is linked to the power of words. And, following on from this, I want to talk about the power of the words you use about yourself. I did a horrifically awful exercise years ago, as part of a disordered eating recovery program, where we wrote down some of the things we said to each other. And then we said them, out loud, to the person next to us. Very few people could get through that without crying. Seriously. And yet, we do it to ourselves all the time. So, while the notion of being called "Papist" or "Taig" or whatever, might not have an effect on you today, have a think about the words you use about yourself. It took me years to stop saying "I'm bad with money". Cos, you know what? I'm actually not. But until I stopped telling myself I was, I couldn't pull money together. I still tell myself I'm not flexible. Guess what? I really amn't. But nor do I commit to any program that might improve said flexibility. And I won't, until I do that work and stop telling myself I'm inflexible. Saying "I'm inflexible" is a static, non-moving, unchangeable statement. Possibly a better way to put it would be "I'm not as flexible as I'd like to be right now". Or "I'm working on improving my flexibility right now". Or any of a hundred different ways of saying it. Think this doesn't apply to you and your spirituality? Think again. How many times have you looked at a class or a program and thought "I'd love to do that but I can't because..." And you don't reach out to see if there's something that can be arranged? How many times have you thought about starting a daily practice, but you don't, because of.... And you stop there. As if all obstacles are immoveable and unchangeable. Now, of course. If a class costs €20k and you're struggling for €20 for food... yeah, €20k probably isn't going to manifest magically into your bank account. And if it did, it's possible you might have higher priorities than that class. But of course, getting the €20k isn't the end goal. Doing the class is. So, what can you do? How do you change the narrative to allow yourself to engage with the material? You could ask for a scholarship. You could ask for the reading list. You could go back through blog posts or podcast episodes or youtube videos and pick up the information from there. So have a think today: what language are you using to stop yourself doing something you really, truly want to do? And what would change that? Bríd libh Órlagh Check out the links below: Patreon Website |
I'm dedicated to helping women in particular develop their spiritual path in life. I'm focused heavily on Brigid in Ireland, although not all my followers are! I teach, speak, coach and mentor people to help them along their own individual path, based on what lore we have, but also allowing for each individual path to develop as it needs to.
I've had a lot of emails over the last few days asking if I'm ok. I absolutely am. I had to go for a colonoscopy yesterday, which meant things were a little upset. There was a chance it would indicate some scary things like cancer, so, yes, I was very worried. But it turned out all right. There were a few small things taken care of, but the consultant is happy, my doctor is happy, all is well. So, thank you all for your concern, I really appreciate it. Things will be slower here in the Forge...
Surprising everyone, including myself, I have the slides ready for tomorrow night. The first night of the 4 week course, Brigid for Writers, I'm running with Courtney Weber. I can't wait. I have such high excitement on this. Such high excitement! (OK that could also be attributed to the fact that the sun is out and I'm heading off to Galway to see the niece tomorrow as well. So there may be a guest star at the course as well...) But I can't wait. For the first week, we're looking at the...
As is becoming a distressing habit of mine, I was awake for half the night last night. And now, I'm not operating the best in work. But I'm here and keeping things on a (mostly) even keel. Some of the things that are worrying me? I don't know if I'm doing a good job at my part time lecturing role I'm worried about the content for tomorrow's class I haven't finalised the material for the first week of the Brigid for Writers course, starting on Saturday I can see things in work that will go...